Hello, World!

08/05/2020 by Joe Walton

I've decided to start a blog.

I don't know whether it's something I'll keep up. I don't know whether it will add any value to the world. And I don't know where to start.

Having said that, I've found myself lacking any motivation and being uninspired by the world and it's complete lockdown in recent weeks. I've felt close to this for a long time and done nothing about it, I just plodded along through what we call life hoping that something will keep me entertained for a while before the next thing comes along. But with the closure of every pub in the UK, this has become harder and harder to do.

So I'm challenging myself to work on this website and to start writing things down. I have no idea what I will write about but I don't think anything is off the table. One week it might be a post about the TV show I'm currently watching. The next might be about the ins and outs of Kubernetes. I'm looking forward to getting my opinions on the world wide web and improving my skills outside of my day job.

So hello internet! Come back soon for more of my ramblings